Foreman Certification & Re-Certification

In today’s competitive environment, all industrial facilities have to consider the critical issue of leadership as a key factor in the continued productivity of their operations. Supervision, in particular, is a major focus. The United Association (UA) has addressed industry’s needs by developing an intensive course of study that includes classroom and problem solving instruction using the latest information and materials. The UA Foreman Certification Program has been designed to ensure that UA members and their employing contractors are able to take on any task they may encounter. The United Association together with the Mechanical Contractors Association of America (MCAA) have established an examination/qualification program that provides an outstanding tool for determining an individual’s capabilities and competences and ensures their on-going training needs are provided for and validated in a structured environment. The UA Foreman Certification Program provides an assurance to industry that UA members have the necessary skills not only to do the job right but also to do the job right the first time. The UA Foreman Certification Program has no parallel in industry today. This program is designed to help meet the growing need for trained and qualified Foreman. The program provides trained, experienced, certified and immediately available Foreman throughout the United States and Canada.


If you have never received your UA Foreman Certification, you must take the Initial Foreman Certification class, which consists of a total of 24 hours of preparatory training and a final exam. This class is in development and will be offered in mid-September.
If you would like to take the initial foreman certification class, please fill out the form HERE.


The UA Foreman Certification expires every 4 years. To re-certify, you must complete a minimum of 1 course provided by AMCA, take a post-class quiz (70% passing score), and fill out a UA form detailing your work history. AMCA will send the form and passing results to the UA, after which the UA will issue you a new certification card.

To register for a re-certification course, please see the flyer HERE.

After you have taken 1 course and passed the post-class quiz (with 70% or above), you will fill out the UA Re-certification Form HERE and submit it to


If you are unsure of your UA Foreman Certification status, please use the instructions HERE to sign into the Union Manager Member Portal.