
AMCA is committed to the highest standards of training and education, competence and integrity. By becoming a member, you are making a personal commitment to be among the best of the best in your industry. In return, AMCA offers exclusive opportunities to help you get the most out of your individual abilities, as well as your company’s team capabilities. We provide a variety of services from labor relations and communications to educational seminars and programs in areas such as project management, job supervisor (foreman training), construction law and job safety. AMCA empowers its membership with the most up-to-date information in every way, whether it is new government regulations or leading-edge technology advances. Download the Contractor Membership Application

Download the Contractor Bargaining Authorization

There are two types of AMCA Members: Contractors and Affiliate/Associate Members. Both allow for quarterly networking events with fellow contractors, opportunities to exhibit your products/services at our annual tabletop program, and chances to sponsor and attend various events with contractors throughout the year. Also, your company information will be listed on our website and in our membership directory with an opportunity to advertise. Download Application

Join today for all the advantages of AMCA membership:

  • Access public bidding opportunities
  • Stay up to date on regulations, mandates and human resources issues
  • Connect with professionals from over 100 businesses at AMCA events
  • Join any of 10 committees focused on industry issues
  • Utilize the Joint Labor Management Committee to help negotiate agreements that are mutually beneficial to management and labor
  • Feature your company in the AMCA member directory
  • Access exclusive advertising opportunities

Associate Members

Any corporation, firm or individual that has an interest in the affairs of AMCA, expressing support for AMCA, and whose principal source of income is derived from the construction industry, but does not qualify for regular membership, may apply for associate membership. It is the intent of this section that the associate member category include entities such as manufacturers, manufacturing representatives, wholesalers, vendors, service providers, and consultants. It does not include engaged as contractors or subcontractors in various aspects of mechanical system construction. This classification of membership shall not be required to become signatory to any labor agreements by virtue of their AMCA associate membership. All associate member applicants must be sponsored by one AMCA member in good standing. Associate members shall have all rights, privileges, and obligations of membership, except that a) they shall not serve as officers or directors, b) they shall not have any vote in association business or any vote in the affairs of the corporation (AMCA), and c) they shall be invited to attend monthly at the discretion of the board of directors. Associate member dues are five hundred dollars ($500.00) per calendar year.